Many people find coughs difficult to treat however with the right remedy, coughs respond beautifully to homeopathic treatment.
There are over 200 remedies listed under the general symptom of 'coughing' so here are some of the more commonly used ones which can help an uncomplicated cough.
Useful for the early onset of any acute complaint, especially colds
Worse after exposure to cold wind or getting chilled in general.
Dry, croupy cough
Anxious, fretful and restless
Cough as soon as head touches the pillow
Deep, paroxysmal (sudden), spasmodic (irregular) cough
Attacks follow one and other rapidly
Cough with retching and vomiting
Worse 12midnight to 2am
Cough from irritation or tickle in the larynx
Mucus may taste salty
Cold sweat may accompany cough
Cough so severe that it triggers nosebleeds
Worse for talking and eating
May be useful for whooping cough
Cough may be changeable, like the patient in general
Perhaps dry at night and loose in the day
Often associated with production of a lot of green mucus from the nose or chest
Always worse in a warm room
Better for fresh open air
Tend to be tearful, especially when ill
Cough with retching and vomiting
Child stiffens with the cough
Coughs till blue in face
Rattling of mucus on the chest
Dry cough
Painful cough, may hold head or chest during coughing bout
Worse motion
These are by no means the ONLY remedies which can help ease short lived coughs.
There are hundreds!
You may find symptoms change and another remedy is required.
The remedies are helping the body heal and part of the healing process is often a progression through different symptoms.
For help with potency and dosage, please click here.
Alternatively, contact me and we can arrange an acute consultation.